Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I think back to China.

The weather has been crazy around here lately. One minute sun, 2 seconds later ferocious hail.

Nanjing was like that. But then again, Nanjing is known to be like that.

One day I left for school with only a light jacket. It was warm in the morning. I made my 2 mile walk there(by the way I chose to walk. I could have bussed.), but halfway through my walk home, it started to pour.

And I mean pour. It can (literally) monsoon in Nanjing. Within 2 minutes I am soaked. Soaked with filthy China water, since the air has picked up all the pollutants. And I still had a mile to go.

Then this little old man, someone I had never met before, offers me his spare umbrella. And we walk most of the mile to my house, until we parted ways at the last intersection.

And I wonder, who in America would do that? Would you, if you saw a little lost foreigner stuck in the rain? Silly little foreigner, who didn't know that you ALWAYS bring your umbrella in Nanjing.

I don't know that man's name. But I will never forget him.

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