Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why have one goal when you can have a million?

So lately I've picked up a goal or two here and there.

I'm officially signed up and in training to run a half-marathon on October 10th with my mom and aunt. Which means that I have about 14 weeks to go from my current weight of 187 and drop to my race weight of 160. A tall order, but I'm the kind of person who responds well to a well-defined goal. Any way you slice it though, it's not going to be easy.

I'm now a double major. Have I ever told you that my program (Chinese) is one of the hardest at my already hard college? Well, it is easily one of the most demanding majors out there. Plus I'm in honors 4th year. But I've been missing my one true love, Epistemology. Before the transfer, I was one class and a seminar away from the double major. Here, I'm about 4 away, due to a residency requirement. And I'm going for it. Lord have mercy on my senior year.

I'm looking to land an internship. Because I clearly don't have enough to do this year. Hahaha. I suppose I'm hoping that between training, studying, and working I wouldn't have time to sit on my butt eating, thus achieving my goal weight. Not really, I just love being busy.

They are amazing! It's been a long ride. The first day we got the cats, we had a massive fight. The biggest we've ever had. I'm still reeling from it. To be honest, I would have just walked away right then and there except for the cats. At first, it was like having kids with someone you aren't with. Taking turns caring for the cats, avoiding contact. Leaving notes with updates.

But we've come to realize what the other one needs. He was upset because he thought all of the kitty care would fall to him. Since I pitch in and do most of it, he's completely cool with having them. Actually, he really likes it. I also help out with cleaning around the house, which I don't mind, since I'm here with the cats anyways, and it takes me very little time. In return, I get cats, who calm me down when I'm stressed; and a quiet place to study.

I also realize I really like being around him. Even when I'm cranky. I don't like NOT being feels lonely at home. We've become much better at communicating and much better at appreciating each other.

Anyways, I'm in a good place. Hoping you all are too!!

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