Friday, April 30, 2010


考试考完了!! 啊, 那让我很高兴, 很轻松! 今天上课考完了以后,我们听了中文的歌。 当然我的“老朋友” 《《(对面的女孩)看过来》》是我们听的歌。 所以下课以后我回家为了下裁那个歌。

可是。。。我在星期一有另外的大考试跟一篇文章。 不要! 不要!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hahaha, as if I have one these days. My days have been eaten up by my studies, and truly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love throwing myself into learning, and I like my classes this quarter. Chinese is coming along nicely, and I'm pretty happy with my progress.

As for other things, I ended it with my last boyfriend, known here as Space Cat. It wasn't working, and I didn't have the time or energy to make it work. I'm upset, but I know I made the right decision. School is my number one right now, and theoretically, I have the rest of my life to spend with "The One". I never regret relationships, because I think that it is truly a gift to be able to get to know someone on that level. Also, opening myself up to others (I'm normally a very closed person) helps me to learn more about myself. I know that personally, I benefit from every boyfriend I have. And they all have a special place in my heart. I'm not looking for anyone new. Right now I want to take some time for me and my life. Plus, I think the best people come into your life when you just let God bring them in as He will!

I'm in a good place right now, though I could be better...Midterms are on Monday!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Body Harmony???

One of the things I've learned is how to listen to my body. And some days, my body wants really weird things. Or doesn't want normal things.

Today, I wasn't hungry. At all. And all my body wanted was to work out. So that's what I did.

Weird. Very weird.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Couscous Marinara (serves 1)
1/3 cup dried couscous
1/2+ cup marinara (to taste)
1 tsp Crushed Red Pepper (optional)
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

Cook couscous according to your preferred method (3/4 cup boiling water and dash olive oil, boil water, stir in couscous, cover and remove from heat, let sit 5 minutes)

Add red pepper to marinara, heat until simmering.

After both have been cooked, mix couscous and marinara. Add balsamic and stir.

Alter the recipe to your personal tastes.


The Trouble with Detox

My first detox was fairly painless. I struggled with low blood sugar, but I really didn't have any other problems. However, for the combined 3 weeks of my birthday (TRY having a vegan b-day dinner with my meat-loving family), finals week, and a trip to visit my friends in L.A. (I'm a vegan, not a jerk, when people are providing my room and board, I don't turn up my noise at the food they provide). But once I came home, I cut everything out and returned to my vegan ways.


The first 3 days of detox, I had a migraine. For 3 days. All. Three. Days. Finally, I had to break and do a gradual detox. For the first couple days, I had dairy and meat at one meal. Then I moved to traces of dairy and traces of meat. Now, I'm back to veganism. And it was smooth. No low blood sugar. No headaches. No low energy.

I know a lot of vegans advocate for a sudden, complete detox, but personally, I much preferred my second detox to my first. Really, I think it should be up to the person. Gradual is probably smoother and easier, but if you don't have the will power to really go through with it, sudden detox might be for you.

As for life, it's going quite well...for me. I'm exercising, feeling great. Planning a nice hike tomorrow with friends. But my boyfriend, Space Cat, just lost his job. Naturally, he's bummed. And...I'm less sympathetic than I should be. We both work low-pay, service industry jobs. However, while I'll keep this job until I graduate college, he' no plans to leave. And he's OLDER than me!

While it's very noble to not care about finances, I DO care. Because I CARE about being comfortable. I want children. And I CARE about what I want to be financially able to expose them to. I have a lot of ambition, and I wish he had the same. I also have a lot of standards.

As they say, failure to plan is planning to fail. And he...doesn't really have any plans. Or a degree. So do we have a future?

Maybe you can tell, I refer to people by their nicknames here.

Blessed Good Friday everyone!