Monday, June 21, 2010

Detox Diaries, Day 1

After several months of sticking to a strict, vegan diet, I went back to eating meat. Why? Laziness, for one. Temptation, for another. I live at home, and my mother always makes these AMAZING meat-filled meals. I began to feel that my problem was that I wasn't aware enough of what I was eating, and that maybe now with my nutritional knowledge I could balance a meat diet.


Instead, I blew up like a balloon, both from actual weight and from bloating. I feel every sort of disgusting, and finally, it just wasn't worth it anymore. I had to go back.

Which, of course, means that I have to go through another detox. Even though I think gradual detoxes are great options, I'm so sick of animal products that I'm just going cold turkey.

Day 1

It's amazing how much better I feel already. I don't feel sluggish or weighed down, and I have less of a craving to binge tonight, though this could just be the day. I'm also focusing on getting more sleep, and sleeping at the right times (night). Since I have early class, this should help.

My mother found me some bean burgers, which are great because I hate preparing beans. I mean, it takes like a day. I don't have that kind of time!! But beans are a great part of a balanced vegan diet, so I'm hoping this will allow me to add them in (although I do wish it wasn't processed).

My Menu:

Breakfast: 2 quaker oat cakes (the early morning was rough, I ate on the go)

Lunch: 2 bean patties with spinach, peanut, and veggie stir-fry over whole brown-rice noodles.

Dinner: Miso soup plus something else...haven't decided.

So, so far so good. We'll see how I feel when day 3 hits...

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