Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Detox Diaries, Day 2: Hunger Strikes

Today's Menu:

Breakfast: Miso soup and vegan black-bean enchiladas

Lunch: Vegetable Curry, Okra, Rice and Naan at a restaurant

Dinner: Miso, Bean patty, and perhaps a veggie burger

Treat: Fresh Berries, maybe some non-dairy ice cream.

My body has begun to realize it's not getting any animal products. Although it still feels great, it has begun to crave the heaviness of meat and dairy. This means that, while I'm not really hungry, my body just wants food. However, my brain doesn't feel deprived at all. By adding in berries and non-dairy ice cream (which I normally avoid), I feel like I'm being decadent!

However, it's the next couple days that are really going to be the tough ones. Hopefully, I'll make it through without headaches or anything!

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