Monday, June 7, 2010

Because facts are Satan's sex toys.

I read a lot of Fundie blogs. Why? At first, I was interested in a way of life that was so very different than my own. I wanted to understand and explore why people lived a lifestyle that I would never choose. To be fair, I have learned quite a bit. My relationships have improved, and I have a lot more perspective on life. But lately, it's become like some sort of train wreck that I just can't look away from. Maybe it's because I understand things better now, maybe it's because the awe has worn off, but whatever it is, I find myself more and more put off from the lifestyle in general.

Now there's tons of things I could harp on...the obvious theological errors of the "dresses only" position (and I am all but dresses only simply by taste, so I don't hate), the hypocrisy, the sheep-mentality, anything and everything to do with individuals with the chromosomal signature XX, and the list goes on. Maybe I'll get to all of these one day. Maybe I'll put on my shrinking Candy shoes and do a series, but today I will stick to one topic: random unsubstantiated claims.

To begin this discussion, I have to make a confession: I am an education SNOB. I've been gifted all my life, and I value a good, quality education in myself and others. I also have a lot of RESPECT for people who dedicate a prodigious amount of time to exploring a topic. So it really bothers me when people make random claims and try to pass them off as fact.

"I think children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for" to back up why she disciplines her 7 month old baby for throwing toys and/or rolling off a rug. Oh, so you think your kid can understand that so it's OK, huh? Yeah, news flash sweetheart, I study early childhood cognition and development and let me tell you, I know that your child cannot understand that and that your discipline is both confusing to the child and damaging to what your child's brain is trying to grasp. Rules aren't able to be comprehended until much later, because not only is there not enough cognitive development, but there is also a lack of linguistic development (rules necessitate abstraction, abstraction necessitates language). But you think that, so it's OK.

You know what I do when I don't know something? Or maybe when I have a question, or am wondering whether or not my child can understand something? I educate myself. I get a book. I find out. I don't randomly make shit up and then run with it. And why is this so common amongst the movement? It's almost as if their afraid to really find out why things are the way they are.

On the other hand, it might just be really fun. Like maybe to today I THINK I am a size 6. So I totally am. Everything that tells me otherwise is just lying. Also, I think gravity is a lie.

So excuse me whilst I go for a quick flight.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am hooked on Fundamentalist blogs for PRECISELY the same reason, and I really can't define why, except that the group's thought processes are so alien to me that I'm fascinated by them. I found your blog on one of them, to my endless surprise!

    I also have a fasination with simplification, frugality and a return to making one's products/food oneself, which is shared by many pragmatic Fundamentalists.

    Their Fear of Fact strikes fear into MY heart... I am very sure that I do not want these people in power, and would go to great lengths to prevent it.


